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Billing on BDC

The BDC-Seven Bridges Platform allows you to monitor your cloud costs at the level of individual tasks, projects, and billing groups. 

  • Tasks represent an execution of a particular tool or workflow on the platform. 
  • Projects correspond to a distinct scientific investigation and serve as the container for its data, analysis workflows (tasks), and results. 
  • Billing groups track cloud costs (compute and storage) incurred by the user. Each project on the platform must be assigned to a billing group.

Upon registration, each user receives $500 in credits in a "Pilot Fund" billing group to get started. After Pilot Funds have been used, you will need to set up a Regular billing group to continue your work. A Regular billing group pays for cloud costs via your own funding source (a grant, institutional award, etc.).

To create a regular billing group, watch the Billing Groups and Pilot Funds [YouTube] tutorial.

Related Tutorials:

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