The BDC-Seven Bridges Platform allows you to monitor your cloud costs at the level of individual tasks, projects, and billing groups.
Tasks represent an execution of a particular tool or workflow on the platform.
Projects correspond to a distinct scientific investigation and serve as the container for its data, analysis workflows (tasks), and results.
Billing groups track cloud costs (compute and storage) incurred by the user. Each project on the platform must be assigned to a billing group.
Upon registration, each user receives $500 in credits in a "Pilot Fund" billing group to get started. After Pilot Funds have been used, you will need to set up a Regular billing group to continue your work. A Regular billing group pays for cloud costs via your own funding source (a grant, institutional award, etc.).
Mike Enger
The BDC-Seven Bridges Platform allows you to monitor your cloud costs at the level of individual tasks, projects, and billing groups.
Upon registration, each user receives $500 in credits in a "Pilot Fund" billing group to get started. After Pilot Funds have been used, you will need to set up a Regular billing group to continue your work. A Regular billing group pays for cloud costs via your own funding source (a grant, institutional award, etc.).
To create a regular billing group, watch the Billing Groups and Pilot Funds [YouTube] tutorial.
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