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Analyzing Data on BDC

The process for analyzing data on BDC is similar to that outlined in the Harmonizing Data on BDC post, but with some key differences. After uploading raw data to the study-specific primary project, copying it to a secondary project, and transforming it using one of the available harmonization apps, investigators can proceed with conducting secondary analyses. However, analyses should NOT be conducted in the same secondary project used for harmonization.

Costs associated with secondary analyses and the storage of required intermediary files are not covered by NHLBI. Investigators will need to establish a separate secondary project and create a billing group to track and pay for cloud costs (compute and storage) using their own funding.

Custom analyses can be conducted by creating tools with the Bring-Your-Own-Tool feature of the platform. Interactive analysis is possible using RStudio, Jupyterlab Notebook, or SAS Studio. Published data, preliminary data, collaborator data, or other BDC hosted datasets may also be added to the secondary project using the BYOD or PIC-SURE cohort creation features of the platform.

Below is a useful diagram of the analyses process mentioned above:

Tutorials on Steps Mentioned Above: 

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