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Template - Seven Bridges Project

After being onboarded, RMIP investigators will have a standardized Seven Bridges project created for them by the NHLBI BDC DMC. The DMC will also properly configure the billing for this project.

RMIP investigators will have administrator access to the project and will upload the data specified in the study-specific project plan to this project. Data can be uploaded to the project by investigators at any time, but it is recommended that data be uploaded shortly after creation so that relevant metadata and documentation is accurately recorded by staff. The IDCCH will also have read/write access to each study-specific primary project to allow for the symbolic linking of cell characterization data from the IDCCH master project.

The Files tab of this project will contain the following directories:

Study Documentation

  • This directory will store all supporting study documentation, such as the study protocol, case report forms, and study data dictionary.
  • Templates for these documents can be found within the Documents and Templates forum post, or within the Templates directory of this project.

Raw Data

  • This directory will store all raw data, which is defined as data that would be provided to an investigator if the sample were to be processed at a core facility, rather than being defined as the typical output from the instrumentation.
  • Data-type specific subdirectories will be prepopulated based on the expected data types outlined within the study-specific project plan provided to the DMC.
  • Following data upload to the primary project, raw data can be linked to a secondary project where harmonization workflows can be executed.

Harmonized Data

  • This directory will store all harmonized data, which is defined as the data that follows the recommended data standards for content, structure, and file format.
  • The transformations required to harmonize data are specific to each data type and the DMC is actively developing workflows that will perform the transformation for most of the datatypes in the RMIP data landscape.
  • Following successful completion of the harmonization workflow, the final outputs can be added to the project within this Harmonized Data directory.


  • This directory will come prepopulated with a markdown file containing hyperlinks to the templates provided by the DMC for the supporting study documentation.
  • No data should be uploaded to this directory by the investigators.
  • All completed documents should be uploaded to the Study Documentation directory.

Data within the Raw and Harmonized Data directories should be organized based on RMIP study and data type. Subdirectories will come prepopulated by the DMC based on the data types specified within the study-specific project plan provided by investigators.

The subdirectories will use the following naming convention:

The subdirectory name consists of three components separated by an underscore.

  1. The phrase “RMIP”
  2. The project identifier is a 3-digit code that assigned to the study by the IDCCH
  3. The data type is the designated label for each data type being generated.

Reminder: Files uploaded to these directories should comply with the File Naming Guidance outlined within the Data Management Plan.

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