Join us on Wednesday, March 15th at 1 p.m. ET to learn about best practices for citing and publishing your projects and workflows on BDC.
Learn how (and how not) to cite BDC in a paper or poster
How to share your workspace as a public project
How to publish your analytical workflows
Time will be made available for discussion and to address questions, challenges, and issues you might be facing in the ecosystem.
All users are invited to attend, whether you are new to BDC or have been using it for some time. If you are not yet registered for the ecosystem, we welcome you to join our community. If you cannot attend on this date, you can still sign up and the recording and slides will be sent to you.
Make sure to register now - we look forward to seeing you!
What are Community Hours?
BDC Community Hours is a monthly, hour-long event where users can learn about features of the ecosystem. The hour is split into time for presentation by a platform team and time for questions. Teams will showcase tools, new features, or tips that meet user needs. After the presentations, time is available for discussion and questions for platform reps from users.
1 Comment
Amber Voght
almost 2 years ago
Slides and notes from this session are now available! Find the materials from this session here.
Amber Voght
BDC Community Hours: Citations and Publications: Best Practices for Projects and Workflows
Wednesday, March 15th at 1:00 pm ET
Register now!
Join us on Wednesday, March 15th at 1 p.m. ET to learn about best practices for citing and publishing your projects and workflows on BDC.
Time will be made available for discussion and to address questions, challenges, and issues you might be facing in the ecosystem.
All users are invited to attend, whether you are new to BDC or have been using it for some time. If you are not yet registered for the ecosystem, we welcome you to join our community. If you cannot attend on this date, you can still sign up and the recording and slides will be sent to you.
You are welcome to anonymously include your questions in advance or bring your discussion topics to the session live.
Make sure to register now - we look forward to seeing you!
What are Community Hours?
BDC Community Hours is a monthly, hour-long event where users can learn about features of the ecosystem. The hour is split into time for presentation by a platform team and time for questions. Teams will showcase tools, new features, or tips that meet user needs. After the presentations, time is available for discussion and questions for platform reps from users.