January 19 Community Hours: Interactive Analysis with Seven Bridges

NHLBI BioData Catalyst Community Hours: Interactive Analysis with Seven Bridges

Wednesday, January 19th from 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET

Register now!

Join us on Wednesday, January 19th from 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET to learn how to access and perform interactive analysis on BioData Catalyst from team members of Seven Bridges. Interactive analysis involves using R Studio, JupyterLab Notebooks, or SAS Studio to write and execute scripts in the cloud. Take-aways from this session include:

  • How to access R Studio, JupyterLab Notebooks, and SAS Studio.
  • How to select RAM, CPU, and GPU resources for your interactive session.
  • How to upload a script you are working with locally and run it in a cloud environment.
  • How to access controlled datasets such as TOPMed from the interactive environment.

The session will start with what interactive analysis entails, and then will go in depth with a live demo on finding interactive analysis, launching and running, selecting options, loading libraries, and more.

Time will be made available for discussion and to address questions, challenges, and issues you might be facing in the ecosystem.

You can include your questions in advance, but we do accept questions and issues during the meeting if time allows. Questions can be specific to this session’s topic of interactive analysis, or they can be about any component of the ecosystem you might be curious about.

Make sure to register now - we look forward to seeing you!

What are Community Hours?

BioData Catalyst Community Hours is a monthly, hour-long event where users can learn about features of the ecosystem. The hour is split into time for presentation by a platform team and time for questions. Teams will showcase tools, new features, or tips that meet user needs. After the presentations, time is available for discussion and questions for platform reps from users.

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