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Harmonizing Data on BDC

After uploading raw data to the study-specific primary project, secondary projects will be created by the BDC DMC with read/write/execute privileges to allow for the execution of harmonization apps.

Secondary projects are necessary since the primary project will be treated as a read-only space to maintain the integrity of the data. These fit-for-purpose secondary projects are designed to be flexible, with no limit on the number of secondary projects, allowing for projects to be created and retired as needed.

Note: NHLBI will assume costs incurred within secondary projects established solely for harmonizing raw data. Intermediate files that do not need to be retained should be discarded whenever possible to reduce storage related fees. 

Once the secondary project is established and configured by the DMC, raw data in the primary project can be linked to this secondary project. Harmonization apps should then be copied to this project from the Public Apps Gallery. Following successful execution of the harmonization app, the final outputs can be added back to the primary project.

Below is a useful diagram of the harmonization process mentioned above:

Tutorials on Steps Mentioned Above:

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